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El Centro is a city in the state of California. With 44,158 residents and nine boroughs, El Centro is the 203rd largest community in California.

El Centro Ca Zipcode

El Centro Ca Zipcode

Unlike some cities, El Centro is neither an employee nor an employee. However, the most important jobs for the people of El Centro are a mix of white-collar and blue-collar jobs. Overall, El Centro is a city for service providers, professionals, customers and office workers. Many people who live in El Centro work in sales (10.31%), office and administrative support (9.52%), and healthcare (8.30%).

El Centro, 92243 Crime Rates And Crime Statistics

The percentage of adults with college degrees in El Centro is below the national average of 21.84% for all communities. 16.68% of adults in El Centro have a bachelor's degree or higher.

Per capita income in El Centro in 2018 was $19,062, which is low compared to California and the nation. This equates to an income of $76,248 for a family of four. However, El Centro has both very rich and poor people.

El Centro is a very ethnically diverse city. People who call El Centro home say they are of various races and ethnicities. Hispanic or Latino people are the most popular group in El Centro, making up 87.29% of the city's residents (Hispanic or Latino people can be of any race). The majority of El Centro residents identify as White, followed by Black or African American. The main ancestors of the people of El Centro are African, Irish, English, German and French.

In addition, El Centro has many residents who were born outside the United States (27.87%).

El Centro Ave, El Centro, Ca 92243

The language spoken in El Centro is Spanish. Other main languages ​​spoken here are English and Langs. of India.Map of El Centro, California using basemap data provided by TomTom. Data is updated every 6 months making this one of the most updated maps for El Centro, CA and the surrounding area. This map is available at a scale of 1:40,000 in a 36" x 48" aspect ratio. If you would like a map with different widths, orientations, or scales, you can do so by customizing the map here. If you have any questions, we're happy to answer them by calling (866) 525-2298 or writing to us

The El Centro zip code map shows the different zip codes used in the city. These zip codes are used to categorize mail for better delivery through the USPS. The map shows the 5-digit zip code and important geographic information such as freeways and state highways, streets and street names in detailed scales, cities and towns and counties, and state and territory names. These maps serve various business and management functions including service delivery, marketing location, sales territory planning, etc.

You can also customize a high-quality map around the desired area by clicking "Close Preview". If you need assistance, call us at (866) 525-2298 or email us.

El Centro Ca Zipcode

The El Centro ZIP Code Map contains many geographic details such as interstate and state roads; streets and street names in detailed scales; Cities and communes; and regions and country names and regions. You can adjust this map around the desired area by clicking Close Preview. The plan works well for service delivery, marketing location, sales territory planning, and many other business and management activities.

Dental Clinics In And Near Zip Code: 92231

This map shows US ZIP Codes in 5-digit format. These numbers are divided into three main categories - state territory, region or city and delivery location. The USPS has divided the country into 10 ZIP Code areas, starting with the Northeast, which is 0-9. The next two digits of the zip code are given by city. And the last two numbers indicate the area or city.

USPS changed the zip code system in 1983 to accommodate the new ZIP+4. This identifies a sub-delivery unit with a five-digit code and four additional digits. This zip code+4 is calculated automatically when the mail is sorted and processed.

Each PO Box has its own zip code + 4 & as this is different the code needs to be looked up for each PO Box individually. Also, not all USPS shipping addresses are assigned a ZIP Code + 4. Geocoding checks or address verification are used for these addresses.

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