Old Patriot Militaria - The Third Annual Major New Orleans Military Show is October 7th and 8th at Castine Center in Mandeville! We will continue to build on the great success of our 2021 and 2022 shows and show this year's true military history event. Contributions have been received from dealers, collectors, community members and many historical figures in our area. We have proven that we can bring the fascinating and legendary world of military collections back to the New Orleans area.

The 2023 New Orleans Military Show will be the military event in history, and we invite you to join us. We not only carry many of the biggest and most famous names in the world of military antiques, but also many of the local military museums on display. Not only do we offer items to buy, sell, and trade, we strive to showcase the rich military history of Louisiana and the local area. Our 2021 and 2022 performances exceeded anything we could have hoped for. We are currently working to make the Greater New Orleans Military Show the largest military history event in the Deep South.

Old Patriot Militaria

Old Patriot Militaria

The Greater New Orleans Military Show is organized by Old Patriot Military and Heartland Military Shows. Two veterans and a family business.

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"Dan's Place" is from the Patriot Militia of Old St. Tammany Parish, who lived in Mandeville before his military service and now resides in Peer River.

The Greater New Orleans Military Show partners with several local and national entities to enhance the visitor experience. We will update the page with more information as plans are finalized.

The promoters, dealers and partners of the Greater New Orleans Military Show understand that education is key not only to the success of our event, but to the success of the entire military community. It is understood at many levels of education that the more sense we use in the learning process, the better our ability to absorb and retain knowledge. Using as many senses as possible in the learning process will in turn stimulate a greater desire to learn more. Printed words, words and pictures in books, moments, can touch many senses. Although they are important, they do not use all emotions and feelings.

As humans, we connect with others by experiencing things that affect us on a personal level. Military artifacts, like the ones you see in souvenirs, reveal a whole other level of connection with our ancestors. Uniforms, badges, helmets, medals, boots, etc., are not cold, inanimate relics. They are objects that have the ability to touch us, tell us about ourselves as a people, show us a part of history otherwise inaccessible.

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Military shows like ours provide this level of education and can take the experience to a higher level, allowing people to fully experience things they usually see behind a mirror. Our shows allow all attendees to not only see, touch, smell, and sometimes hear stories of the past, but also emotionally connect with real pieces of history. By igniting this passion and evoking this connection, we will instill in ourselves and posterity a desire to collect, preserve and carefully guard these historical monuments. Let's get them together like us.

Over the years, history disappeared from the forefront of public schools, and museums and their artifacts began to play a greater role in public education. Many schools and museums are beginning to fill this gap, and museums are beginning to hire "educational curators." A recent study by the Association of American Museums found that in many cases, museums are a richer source of history education than schools.

At the Greater New Orleans Military Show, we understand that partnerships between exhibits, museums and other historical resources are the future of history education. We have started partnerships with several major and historical museums in our country and are also working to attract national museums. We will update this information as it becomes available.

Old Patriot Militaria

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